Thursday, June 7, 2012

Busy Summer Lineup and other musings

I know, I haven't posted a picture in, like, FOREVER! I've been meaning too. It's not that I haven't taken any pictures. I have. Really. I've just been so busy. "really Kim, you can't take 5 min and post one little picture to let the world know you're still there?"
Yeah, I probably could but the thing is I never think of it!
Last summer I did so much with photography. I shot three weddings and family pictures and I don't have one single booking this summer! (which I'm actually bummed about).'s a blessing in disguise.

Here's Why.

I'm an artist (watercolorist) and a photographer. First and foremost, I'm the painter. And this summer is the summer of painting. I've been really trying hard to get into a gallery and to act like my art is more than just a hobby or passing fad. So, I've gotten a smart phone so I can accept credit cards, I'm doing another art fair, I've gotten new display units for my outdoor tent, I'm reframing/matting pieces that look old and tired in their current housings and painting like a CRAZY bored woman!
The whole summer is booked. I have one weekend in July available and all of August is booked doing some art event of one kind or another.
It's going to be a B U S Y summer. That is for sure!
Every spare moment I have, I've been getting ready. The first art fair is in July. Summerfair in Billings, MT. This is the third year I've done this fair and I'm very excited about it. I LOVE THIS SHOW!

Soooooooo I should be posting some photos soon. I promise. And who knows, maybe when the art fair stuff calms down a bit, I'll get to shoot another wedding. I really hope so. I love being able to document such a special day!