Monday, November 4, 2013

Sarah & Andrew, take 2

I had a second Photo shoot with Sarah & Andrew. They are so excited about their upcoming wedding and are a BLAST to work with on photos. This time was in the late autumn after most leaves have changed and just before (seriously, 8 hours before) the first snow of the season. Timed that perfectly!

Samantha & Alex, Wedding Reception

My friend Samantha, just married Alex, a sweet guy who is perfect for her. She asked me to document the wedding reception held in Kalispell on a foggy night the weekend before Halloween.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Andrew & Sarah

I've been asked by the couple to do two shoots. One while everything is still green and the 2nd in a couple of weeks when the leaves are changing color. Here are a few from the first shoot. These two are so fun to work with. I've also been requested to be their photographer in June for the wedding. I'm soooooooooooo excited! It should be a lot of fun!